Goat Husbandry Resources
As I mentioned, I diligently research any and all reliable sources for information about goats and goat husbandry.
I've compiled some of my favorite resources here. Underlined words or photos are links to the sites or books! Please note that I am not a veterinarian nor am I receiving any kind of compensation from these sites, companies, or authors. I am simply sharing information sources I've found useful!
Favorite Books
For basic information, Storey's Guides to Raising Meat and Dairy Goats (two separate books) are quite useful. I recommend getting both the meat goat and dairy goat versions, as the dairy goat edition lacks more detailed information on parasite management and the meat goat edition lacks detail on issues concerning lactation. (At least the editions I own do - I do not own the newest editions!)
For MUCH more detail, I recommend Goat Medicine by Mary C. Smith and David M. Sherman or Sheep and Goat Medicine by Dr. D.G Pugh and A.N. Baird. I own Goat Medicine (second edition), and it has been invaluable. It covers an incredibly broad spectrum of topics. Sheep and Goat Medicine is not so technical and is more affordable, so might be a good alternative if you aren't looking for SUCH a deep dive. It does come with a digital ebook that makes searching so easy and quick!
While both of these textbooks are pricey, they are well worth the money, in my opinion. Used versions can be purchased on Amazon and ThriftBooks.
Favorite Websites
If you own goats, you must bookmark this site. The American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control.
It is the BEST site to learn about all things internal and external parasite and how to manage them in your herd.
It is up-to-date information that can save your goats and save you a lot of guess work!
The site has a large database of articles, studies, and helpful charts such as deworming charts and FAMACHA© how-to. You can also sign up for a newsletter. Excellent resource, especially when so many deworming protocols found online are antiquated and even harmful.
Langston University Goat Research. This site has an extensive library, including handbooks you can order, web-based training and other online tools, and information about hands-on activities provided by the university in various locations.
A few of my favorites here include the Body Condition Scoring and Fecal Egg Counting articles and the nutrient calculators.
Additionally, the university provides an online certification for both producers. The meat and dairy goat courses are free to take! I took both. Overall, both were useful to me, but a few had modules written geared towards a certain management style that may not apply to everyone. If you wish, you can pay a small fee after successfully completing one or both courses and be added to the Certified Quality Producer list on their site, receive a certificate, and use the corresponding Certified Quality Producer Logo.
Goat Biology is a useful, fun site with many animated modules. Learn about reproduction, anatomy, lactation, digestion, the life cycle of internal and external parasites and more!
Kinne.net Many incredibly helpful articles here. This site is laymen site, but many of her articles have been reviewed by vets. I primarily read about genetics and reproduction here. Some great illustrations and photos such as a piece on pelvic structure and an example of a normal vs abnormal pelvis.
Google Scholar. Not any particular site, but use this to research studies! It "indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature." - basically, it gives you only the results from credible material instead opinions.
Farm Health Online a UK site I recently discovered thanks to another breeder. It is a collaboration that "supports sustainable livestock farming." The site has a lot of great information about livestock, including goats. The neatest part, to me, is that the articles contain references and links to scientific studies.

Other Resources
Goat Vet Corner is actually a Facebook group. It "is a place to ask veterinarians questions and get a veterinary perspective on your goats' medical and health needs." Only vets answer questions. This group is NOT intended to replace a client/vet relationship and/or take the place of emergency care. The primary goal is education. It is a wonderful resource if you do not have a vet that is familiar with small ruminants. I've learned so much by reading old posts and the numerous files.
Sez the Vet Youtube Channel is one of my newest discoveries. She is based in New Zealand, so some of the information is a specific to that area and some of the terms are going to a bit unfamiliar to those in the states.
However, she does a great job with explanations and tries to follow up on questions asked by commenters. I especially like her video on "Treating Ice Cold Baby Ruminants" where she explains the science behind a chilled kid.
FAMACHA Training
Learn how to properly check FAMACHA! Through any of these three universities, you can complete an online training program and receive your FAMACHA card. You can also check out your local ag extension offices - sometimes they offer in-person classes!
Fecal Testing Supplies
There are several types of fecal float methods, but this is the one I am familiar with. There's a handy-dandy book detailing the method etc. I ordered this kit when I first started, along with the microscope.
I do recommend a commercial fecal float solution so you know the density is correct - one gallon has lasted me several years. I buy additional fecalyzers on Amazon, by the box. I purchased McMaster slides here - as they are the most accurate way to get a quantity.
