These are formatted by birthweight, daily gain at 30 days, weight at 60 days, and daily gain at 60 days. The Average Daily Gain is for the final weigh-in at weaning. Total Average Daily Gain is the average of 30, 60, and Weaning average daily gains. For each weigh-in and the buckling/wether weights and gains, check out the Hefty Goat Holler Farm page on Facebook. Down at the bottom of this post, you will find some commentary and some stats on the does' kid raising efficiency!
Topaz X Shiner
N1 Meadowlark – 5.7 – .32 – 25.4 - .32
Weaning Weight at 149 Days – 48.8
Average Daily Gain - .29
Total Average Daily Gain - .31
N2 Magpie – 4.6 – .34 – 24.8 - .33
Weaning Weight at 149 Days – 46.8
Average Daily Gain = .28
Total Average Daily Gain - .32
Noel X Shiner
N8 Nightingale – 5.6 – .26 – 20.2 - .23
Weaning Weight at 145 Days – 43.6
Average Daily Gain - .26
Total Average Daily Gain - .25
Tulsi X Shiner
N13 Teal – 5 – .32 – 22.4 - .29
Weaning Weight at 143 Days – 38.6
Average Daily Gain - .23
Total Average Daily Gain - .28
Kinder Doeling Averages Birthweight: 5.2lb
30 Day ADG: .31
60 Day ADG: .29
Weaning Weight: 44.5lb
Weaning ADG: .27
Total ADG: .29
Miniature LaMancha
Storm X Duke
N7 Isabella – 6 – .28 – 25.8 - .31
Weaning Weight at 145 Days – 45.6
Average Daily Gain - .27
Total Average Daily Gain - .29
N8 Beryl – 6.6 – .29 – 25.4 - .3
Weaning Weight at 145 Days – 43.2
Average Daily Gain - .25
Total Average Daily Gain - .28
Verbena X Duke
N11Pearl – 5.2 – .36 – 29.8 - .4
Weaning Weight at 143 Days – 54.8
Average Daily Gain - .35
Total Average Daily Gain - .37
Rosemary X Duke
N15 Anastasia – 4.8 – .29 – 19 - .24
Weaning Weight at 128 Days – 38.2
Average Daily Gain - .26
Total Average Daily Gain - .26
Rhea and Duke
N19 Opal – 4.8 – .32 – 36.8 at 86 days - .37
Weaning Weight at 119 Days – 42.2
Average Daily Gain - .31
Total Average Daily Gain - .33
N20 Lazuli – 5.6 – .27 – 33.2 at 86 days - .32
Weaning Weight at 119 Days – 42.8 Average Daily Gain - .31
Total Average Daily Gain - .3
Miniature LaMancha Doeling Averages Birthweight: 5.5lb
30 Day ADG: .3
60 Day ADG: .32
Weaning Weight: 44.5
Weaning ADG: .29
Total Average Daily Gain: .31
Domino X Tigger
N4 Myna – 6 – .4 – 31 - .39
Weaning Weight at 146 Days – 54.3
Average Daily Gain - .33
Total Average Daily Gain - .37
A few notes on this because y'all know I like to talk goat... I am so pleased with the kids this year. This is one of my biggest crops, definitely my biggest non-mutt crop, and the first kid crop out of my two young bucks. The majority of does kidded in the middle of a once-in-a-decade winter storm, with no casualties or even frostbite. Many were first fresheners. Some kids and even a doe with her newborns spent a night or two in the house or wearing tiny sweaters. Spring wasn't much more pleasant - it rained frequently, making for a chilly, dreary season. I ran out of hay in April, about a month earlier than I would typically run out, if I ran out at all. I decided to utilize the hay field for pasture instead of hay, which helped greatly since it is full orchard grass that didn't mind the cooler, wet weather. I heard our May was the coldest, most sunless May on record for this area. When the temperature finally warmed, still rained. Then the rain stopped but it turned hot and humid for a while. June gave us one last well-timed rain shower to keep the grass from drying out too much. Thankfully, July has started out beautifully, with a bit of a cool down, pleasant breezes, and sunny skies. To say 2021 was trying is putting it lightly. As of this crop, my Miniature LaManchas are outgaining my Kinders! But this crop of Kinders are an improvement over last year's crop. The last two years, I've had few Kinder doelings - 3 last year and 5 this year (one younger so not weighed in this) so I haven't had a large group for data yet. Knowing the ACTUAL numbers is the best way to KNOW what is going on in your herd, in my opinion. Due to the difference in ages and the differences in build, I wouldn't have guess some of these minis weighed what they did or gained what they did. Fascinating really!
A Few Highlights of Doe Efficiency
Two senior does raised triplets - Rhea and Storm. For about the last half of the kids' nursing time, I separated the bucklings overnight, leaving two doelings on to nurse without a sibling rooting her off. Storm weighed approximately 125lb in nursing condition and raised about 144lb of kids to about 5 months old - the buckling was sold two weeks before the doelings were weaned. Storm raised approximately 115% of her bodyweight in kids (2D 1B triplets).
Rhea weighed approximately 90lb in nursing condition and raised about 135lb of kids to about 4 months old - the buckling was sold two weeks before the doelings were weaned. Rhea raised approximately 150% of her bodyweight in kids (2D 1B triplets).
Topaz weighed 102lb in nursing condition and raised about 96lb of kids to 5 months old. Topaz raised approximately 94% of her bodyweight in kids (twin doelings).
Priscilla weighed approximately 105lb in nursing condition and raised about 90lb of kids to 4 months old. Priscilla raised approximately 86% of her bodyweight in kids (twin bucklings). Domino weighed approximately 130lb in nursing condition and raised about 90lb of kids to 5 months old. Domino raised approximately 69% of her bodyweight in kids (buck/doe twin). Vixen weighed approximately 70lb in nursing condition and raised 55 of kid to 4 months old. Vixen raised approximately 79% of her bodyweight in kids (single buckling). Out of all of these does, Topaz and Vixen kept their body condition the best - both stayed easily in BCS 3. Rhea and Priscilla lost the most condition - about BCS 2.