Hefty Goat Holler Farm Nightingale
February 7, 2021
Generation - 4th
Flashy and Friendly.
G VG E 67 (dry yearling)
Nightingale is a good-natured, laid-back doeling that, from Day 1, has wanted to hop over for a visit. She's not above demanding attention.
She's leaner and longer than the Topaz twins, with what I call a "rangier" type muscle. While she probably won't ever be a chonk, I know this maternal line gains quite a lot of depth with age. She is one of my only young Kinders who is higher at the withers than the hips!
Her young dam, Noel, has one my favorite udders as far as attachments and shape, but I am hoping Shiner added some teat and orifice size. Excited to continue my Priscilla line with this granddaughter.
2023 update - Nightingale kidded with buck twins in February. She did an excellent job as a first freshener. After the bucklings were sold, I milked her a few times. She stood so well, had wonderful texture, teat and orifice size and milked down. SUCH an improvement in milkability. I expect to see more snug attachments next year, as this line usually takes a couple of freshenings for that. Her teats point out a bit and I would like to see a stronger medial but overall a solid first freshening udder. She was coming back into milk after being dry in this picture so NOT a good udder shot.
2024 - Nightingale kidded with beautiful buck/doe twins. Will definitely be pairing her with Bran again. Once her doeling and buckling were sold and weaned, I just tossed her on the stand with the others. It took zero times to train her to the stand - great manners. Lovely texture, milks down to nothing, great orifice and cylindrical teats that are just a great size and shape. She's got one of the best foreudders in my Kinders. I would like to see stronger medial but this dam line does sometimes take three freshenings to look better in that regard. In the mean time, she is a very milkable Kinder doe.
Again, I dropped the ball on getting good udder shots this year. These are her ff udder.

Rear shot in the barn alley is after weaning her first kids and she started coming back into milk.
Udder shots are from her first freshening. I didn't get any her 2nd freshening before she was milking just once a day.