Hefty Goat Holler Anastasia
February 7, 2021
Grade Herdbook
Lovely and Scrappy
As I mentioned in Beryl's description, I had a chance to buy back three doelings I sold but could only buy back one at the time. Anastasia was sold to a great home. The owner later had to downsize and I bought Anastasia in June '23.
At her previous home, Anastasia had already kidded with a single doeling and was in very rough shape when the animals were rehomed. She kidded again with twins in March 2023. Her next owner took amazing care of her and the photos here are a testament to that.
Anastasia is my only Rosemary daughter before Rosemary passed away from listeriosis as a first freshener.
Anastasia is not a big doe, like her dam, and I am afraid she may have been a little stunted from her second owner. But she is so lovely!
Despite her size and looking delicate, she is a scrappy thing. She loves feed. She also loves soft cheeks rubs, closing her eyes and leaning into it. Beryl and Anastasia remembered one another, I think, as they often sleep together.
I am very glad to have her back and look forward to her freshening.
2024 - Anastasia kidded with buck doe twins. She is a great dam and, though she is not a large doe, her kids have been growthy and she is one of the thriftiest goats in the herd. Her teats are still a fuzz small but not bad. Orifice and texture are good!